Student Life

Health Care Reform: Is Change Really Worth Losing a Finger?

An Opinion Piece by Broadside Opinion Editor William Curtis

Imagine sitting in a health care reform town hall meeting. You’re there simply to become better informed with the policies and changes that President Barack Obama’s administration is trying to bring to health care.

You’ve heard the news reports about the outrage and occurrences that have brought a pessimistic shadow over such meetings.

You assume that your town is too friendly to become one of those unfortunate towns that are broadcasted over ABC news because of the seemingly pointless and random racial outbursts and attacks on other people because of their dissenting opinions.

But boy were you wrong. An outburst ensues; it starts with unintelligent banter between two people, then it escalates into two men screaming at one another.

You begin to think how something so simple as health care could cause so many people to become so enraged. And just as you finish that thought, a scream fills the entire room.

Featured Blogger: Ryan Kish of "George Mason Basketball"

Photo provided by Ryan Kish

Ryan Kish, a 26-year-old Mason graduate with a degree in Accounting, blogs on George Mason Basketball over at His posts on sports garner up to thousands a views a month and have even been quoted in the Washington Times. He currently works for a Government Contractor.

Click Read More to find out more about Kish and his sports blog.

In Bed With Billy: The Score That Really Counts

By Broadside Sex Collumnist Billy Curtis

Throughout life, we are constantly observed, rated, scored and graded in just about everything we do. We all want to get good grades, so we study to get them. We all want good credit so we can support ourselves in the future by being able to buy nice houses or whatever we fancy. We all want to find a stable relationship that will bring us contentment. But regrettably, attaining a better credit is a little easier than being in a stable relationship. So lets start with the credit.

Carnivores Schooled in Vegan Basics

By Broadside Correspondent Katie Miller

The Office of Sustainability offered a free vegan cooking class to students last Thursday to explain how eating little to no meat benefits our physical and environmental states. Hosted by Sustainability Research Assistants Danielle Wyman and Ashlae Smith, the two provided an inviting, informal and informative look into the benefits of vegan and vegetarian cooking.

Step Expo Performances Attract Crowd

World Record Attempt Falls Short of Goal

Mason students working together to break the current world record for the longest game of telephone fell far short of their goal.

The final count of 131 participants, confirmed with a Student Activities member, did not reach even 10 percent of the 1,330 British students that hold the current title.

Mason student Julie Allstrom wrote about her experience at the world record attempt.

Click Read More to see what she had to say.

Students Learn About Sex And Chocolate

The goal of Sexual Chocolate was to educate student about sex and STDs, but the event used a chocolate fountain and free condoms to lure students to Dewberry Hall Tuesday night.

Members of Mason's Student Nurses Association were available to answer questions.

For more photos and the Broadside article about this event, click READ MORE below.

"The Food Dude" Entertains Mason Students

Kevin Roberts, who has appeared on The Next Food Network Star and The Today Show, entertained Mason students with simple recipes for dorm room cooking during a demonstration Tuesday night in the JC Atrium.

For the Broadside article about this event, click READ MORE below.

Quickies: Emily Checks Her Mail

From time to time, Connect2Mason will offer a short look into the lives of Mason students. For our inaugural edition of Quickies, we traveled to the Mail Room in Student Union Building II where we caught up with Broadside Editor-in-Chief Emily Sharrer as she checked her mail.

Photos by Grace Kendall. Audio by Connect2Mason Podcast Director Matt Loffman.

In Bed With Billy: My Year of Celibacy Ends

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

You know it’s funny to think that people once laughed at Aristotle when he wrote about the concept of Tabula Rasa. Think about it. The sheer idea of getting a clean slate, a fresh start, sounds nice doesn’t it? Imagine getting that second chance for the one thing you desperately desired but never got to accomplish, that feeling that comes from those magically perfect moments that really make you feel alive. A second chance like that, only a fool would be willing to pass up.