Student Life

In Bed With Billy: The Top 10 Men You Need To Avoid

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

There are 10 things I will most definitely hate about you. There are more than 10 things that most likely everyone would hate about everyone. Bad kisser, over-talkative, vain; the list could go on and on for hours, maybe even days. Luckily, most of us know what we want, and what we clearly need to stay away from when we’re looking for a partner. Sadly still, there are some who would, could, and shouldn’t believe that these types of men can change, and end up making you happy for the rest of your life.

These tragic attempts of contempt are sad stories to watch, let alone hear about. We’ve all encountered at least one of these 10 rejects that somehow manage to rule our lives at some point. Though, with every encounter we manage to grow and become stronger people. For those of you who have never been lucky enough to have your heart broken or your world turned upside down by one of these pitiful fools, take this as a warning to stay away and notice the warning signs. Let the countdown begin:

Scuba Discovered at Prince William Campus

Laying the Blueprint Again: Jay-Z Hasn't Lost His Touch

By Broadside Correspondent Deena Smith

“Please don’t bow in my presence/ how am I a legend?/ I just have 10 number one albums, maybe now 11.”

It may sound premature and just a little cocky, but the preliminary album sales for Hova’s new album The Blueprint 3 support this speculation. Shawn Carter, better known to the mainstream population as Jay-Z, never ceases to amaze the public or critics with his lyrics and mature musical themes.

What Does Your Poster Say About You?

Everyone knows the old saying: you can't judge a book by its cover. But can you judge a person by the poster she buys?

Connect2Mason went to the annual poster sale in the Johnson Center to learn a little about one Mason student. Watch the video, and try to figure out which poster she bought.

The poster sale ended Thursday, Sept. 17.

Mason Gets Naked

One Student’s Love Affair with All-Natural

By Broadside Staff Writer Evan Benton

Once upon a time, while watching CNN (actually, it was most likely VH1 or NFL Network) I heard the unmistakable sound of a large truck backing up outside my window.

Getting up with a groan, I walked over to my window and saw an enormous truck with the word “NAKED” emblazoned along its side. After parking awkwardly in a space much too small for its size, the driver exited the vehicle and began to unload box after box of similarly-titled boxes.  What was in the boxes? Bottles of juice.

In Bed with Billy

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

If you went around and asked people what they thought the hardest thing about a relationship was, odds are the most prevalent answer would probably be trust.

We trust our doctors with our lives, our bankers with our money, and we trust our families to be there when need be, but why is it so difficult for us to trust other people with our hearts?

Photo by Courtney Erland

Decor for the Poor

Poster Sale Helps Students Personalize Their Rooms

By Broadside Correspondent Lauren Cafferky

In the mad rush to collect everything necessary to survive for the next nine months: tee shirts, sweatpants, ramen noodles, all five seasons of The Office, and your parent’s credit card number, it’s easy to overlook the four colorless walls that stare down at you, cold and barren, until May. No need to panic—George Mason University’s annual poster sale has you covered.  

Art Gallery Impresses: Sam Gilliam Presents Otherworldly Art

By Broadside Staff Writer Marian McLaughlin

“I have no idea how he made these,” students said as they walked out of the Fine Art Gallery at George Mason University’s new School of Art building. “How did he do it?” All the commotion was caused by Sam Gilliam’s works from his show, Color/More.

Photo by Broadside Photographer Ezekiel Watkins

The artist unveiled around 10 pieces at last Wednesday’s opening. Stunned viewers stared at the canvases, blown away by Gilliam’s artistic technique.

Each canvas contained lush colors and amorphous shapes which took on the swirled and polished qualities of a marble design.

Were his paintings really paintings, though? Paint is obviously Gilliam's medium of choice, even if there was some secret formula involved to give such viscous form to the pieces.

Love, Sex and Breaking the Ice: "Dating Doctor" Keeps it Real

By Broadside Style Editor Patrick Wall

Ever told someone to be a “fat penguin”? Probably not. For most people, talking like this would earn them a fair share of strange looks. For Dave Coleman, it is what he does for a living.
Affectionately known as the “Dating Doctor,” Coleman has spoken to over two million people, spending his career helping men and women around the world deal with issues of relationships, dating and sex.

Last Monday, Coleman brought his wealth of expertise to George Mason University.

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The Role of an RA: Students' Misconceptions Addressed

An Opinion Piece by Broadside Staff Writer Ryan Dempsey

One of the hardest on-campus jobs there could ever be at George Mason University is that of a resident advisor. The job of a resident advisor is one that never really ends and is something that a lot of on-campus residents take for granted.

In my three years of being an RA, I have heard a lot of common misconceptions about the job. Many residents think that RAs go around campus looking for an incident, attempting to go out of our way to bust any and every resident for having alcohol or drugs in their room. Others believe we are nothing more than arrogant snitches that are power hungry. In all actuality, RAs know we do not get paid enough to act as law enforcement, as full-time babysitters or as parents.