Student Life

Photos: Fall at the Farmers' Market

What's Your Google Identity?

When you type your name in Google, who pops up?  Are you the only you out there?

In this podcast, we find out what alternate identities Mason students have in the realm of Google.

The song "Google Me" heard in this in this podcast is performed by Teyana Taylor.

Laziness: Just Another Word for Nothing Better to Do

How The Many Uses For Others Can Come in Handy

By Broadside Staff Writer Brandon Minster

My wife has no discernible mob ties, but I married her anyway. One characteristic she shares with New Jersey’s finest waste management executives though, is her ability to get other people to do her dirty work. Every mob boss knows not to whack anyone himself (are the kids still saying that these days?); that’s why you have deadbeat nephews. Anytime a rival gets rubbed out, you can be miles away with an airtight alibi.

In Bed with Billy

Experience and Reason:  The Age of Enlightenment

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

In the earlier years, many philosophers believed that in order to find the absolute truth in this world one had to doubt everything, question everything, and eventually a person would—through experience and reason—find the pure truth they were looking for. This way of thinking can also be applied to dating.

Off-Campus Eats

Increase in Dining Choices

By Broadside Staff Writer Evan Benton

My friends and I used to joke around when heading off, four or five guys to a car, on our weekly exodus to Chipotle.

We’d all get burritos and then, when asked how we were planning to pay, flash our green and gold student IDs and confidently state, “Freedom, please.”

Stories from Solitary

Robert Hillary King Fights for the Angola Three

By Broadside Staff Writer Pras Gustano

Picture a typical George Mason University dorm room. Now split the room in half and imagine how uncomfortable and agonizing it would be to live in that space for 30 years.

As incredible as it sounds, solitary confinement has been the reality for Robert Hillary King, who spent three decades of his life locked in a small, six-by-nine prison cell.

Spoken Word Artist Shows No Fear

Georgia Me Makes Appearance at Fall for the Book Festival

By Broadside Asst. Style Editor Pearson Jones

Slam poetry, also called the art of spoken word, is poetry in action and trust me, it can get really loud. These poems represent the performers’ joys, hardships and daily aspects of social life that they could do with out.

On Thursday, professional spoken word artist and member of the Peabody award-winning and Emmy-nominated cast of Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry, Georgia Me (also known as Tamika Harper) emceed the second annual Fall for the Book poetry slam that was held in the downstairs Johnston Center Bistro.

Fundraiser Held for Student Scholarships

By Broadside Style Editor Patrick Wall

The rain may have been falling last Saturday, but grey skies couldn’t dampen the electric feeling at George Mason University’s Center for the Arts. Students, faculty and community members gathered for the fourth annual Arts by George! fundraiser.

Mason Dance Department Plans Spontaneity

Mason's Dance Department gathered in the JC North Plaza Wednesday around 3:30 p.m. to dance an interpretive dance.

See highlights below.

Program Recruits for Volunteering, Adventure

International Student Volunteers will hold information sessions Sept. 24 for any student interested in traveling abroad next summer with their non-profit volunteer and adventure programs.

The meetings will be every hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Student Union Building II Room 5.