Wanted: Reporters

Who doesn't love these? (adapted from gruntzooki)
Hey you curious cat you. Got a knack and passion for writing? Interested in meeting Mason big shots like Merten, Larranaga, or presidents of student orgs? Dying to know who’s in the Patriot suit, or maybe to uncover the next Watergate—better yet, the next Masongate?
Keep reading.
C2M strives to provide the George Mason University community with the most up-to-date information and stuff you want to know. We cover breaking news, showcase the work of students and faculty, and get to play with some sweet multimedia. We man the helms of social media, and work on live coverage for major events – inaugurations, debates, forums and meetings – covering them thoroughly so our readers can be there without actually being there.
But guys, we can’t be everywhere all the time. Not without magic. Or at least without some help.
This is the part where you come in.
Connect2Mason is seeking talented and driven reporters to cover an array of beats and topics. We’ll have you cover student groups and chat with the administration, give you press passes to big events, and even have you out in the City of Fairfax and work on stories.
As a C2M Reporter, you'll:
- Brainstorm ideas with C2M editors. You’ll get to give input, throw out concepts, and provide us with tips you found out from being the naturally inquisitive person you are.
- Set up interviews with directors of departments, students and members of the Fairfax community. You’ll get to build a network of powerful people in the world of academia, as well as make friends with people you may have not met otherwise.
- - Produce resume-building content in various medias. You’ll work with video, audio, photos and, of course, good ‘ole classic prose.
Sound like a cool gig? It's a role where you'd get to showcase your talent on the Web, and at the same time, contribute to the overall knowledge and experience of students and other members of the greater Mason community.
Multimedia experience is preferred, but not necessary. If you're interested, or would like to know more, e-mail exec.editor@connect2mason.com. We'll go from there.