Vote on your favorite pictures from the C2M/CGE Global Photo Contest!!

If you haven't looked to the right of the Taco Bell in the Johnson Center lately, you're missing a pretty sweet gallery 'o pics. As of Monday, Connect2Mason and the Center for Global Education have been showcasing entries in the C2M / CGE Global Photo Contest.
Now, it's time to vote.
If you have stopped by Gallery 123, you've had the opportunity to vote on your favorite photos submitted by students from academic experiences overseas. Entries are split into two categories: shots with Mason gear, and shots with a logo photoshopped onto the picture.
There's also a third category—your favorite photo, period.
We're letting you vote for that one online, too. On the next few pages you'll see entries from students (along with the captions they submitted). At the end of this quasi-trip around the globe is a poll. Select your favorite, and you help that person win a nice price (not to mention bragging rights).
More things to vote for!
Want to vote even more? Visit the gallery in the Johnson Center to vote on:
- The best photo with a person wearing or displaying Mason gear.
- The best photo with a George Mason photo-shopped logo.
There's also a nice "Guess Where" contest in the gallery. Here's what CGE has to say about it:
See the 12 framed photos on the right-hand wall? Those are top vote-getters from our past photo contests! On the back of your ballot, guess where each of these photos were taken and the person with the most correct answers will also win a prize. Good luck!
Note: The following pages are bandwith heavy and may take awhile to load. Please be patient-— these shots are worth it.