Top 5 flash mobs [DECEMBER DIVERSION]


Welcome to the first December Diversion. 

Below are Connect2Mason's 5 favorite videos of flash mobs and other similar stunts. They should kill a good twenty minutes or so, and then it's back to your 12-pager on Keynesian economics.

Or Facebook. Your call.

1) The T-Mobile Welcome Back

Remember the T-Mobile Dance? This is their latest "Life is Worth Sharing" advertisement.

A few of us on the team are flying home for the holidays, and we're crossing our fingers something similar happens to us. We're more or less just expecting pat-downs. 

2) Belgium's Central Station Antwerp meets the Sound of Music

Better than Julie Andrews? 

And if you don't like Sound of Music, there's a change of music there for you as well. 

3) Frozen Grand Central

"I think it's some kind of protest, probably."

4) Grocery Store Musical

Not a complete flash mob, but uh, who wants to recreate this in Wegman's?

5) Japanese Mob Scare Prank

We need more TV shows like this. The part at about :40 is absolutely splendid. 

>> Got a flash mob video that didn't make our top 5? Spread the love and leave the link below in the comments. 


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