Shuttle Driver Arrested on DUI Charg­­es

Employee Had No Previous  Infractions on His Record  According to Reston Limousine

By Broadside Editor-in-Chief Emily Sharrer

A Reston Limousine employee is awaiting trial for charges stemming from an Oct. 8 arrest for driving under the influence while operating a George Mason University shuttle.

Frederick Bromm, of Lorton, Va., was driving the Gunston Go-Bus shuttle with no students on board at the time of his arrest according to Josh Cantor, director of parking and transportation for the university.

According to Tony Simon, general manager of Reston Limousine, the Mason Police Department received a call from somebody on the road who noticed the shuttle swerving just before Bromm’s arrest at 8:27 p.m.

Bromm reported for duty around 3 p.m., according to Simon, and had not been drinking when he started his shift and checked in with supervisors from Reston Limousine.

Cantor said that in the five hour time period Bromm was on duty, he made between five and six one-hour loops and there was no clear indication of when Bromm began drinking.

“It’s kind of a mystery as to when he started drinking and how much he drank,” said Cantor. “Procedure wise, I think everything was done appropriately.”

“It’s a very unusual situation,” said Simon. “We’re extremely appreciative to the people who noticed the vehicle having issues and called in. It’s terrible that it happened and we’re thankful nothing bad came of it.”

Bromm had no previous infractions on his record and passed all Department of Transportation requirements according to Simon.

Following his arrest, Bromm was transported to the Fairfax County Adult Detention center and held on $2,500 bond according to police files.

In accordance with Reston Limousine policy, Bromm was fired immediately following the incident.

“It’s obviously a very unfortunate incident,” said Cantor. “I believe Reston Limousine acted swiftly and appropriately in immediately firing the driver.”

The university’s 5-year contract with Reston Limousine was renewed this semester and is not under evaluation  because of the incident according to Cantor. There have been no prior issues with the company.

“[This is] the only incident that we’ve had with Reston Limousine or that driver,” said Cantor. “It’s just as shocking to the university as it is to Reston Limousine, the driver had nothing on his record.”

The chances of this type of event happening again are very slim according to Simon and Cantor.
“There’s constant communication with all the drivers throughout the shift, that’s why it’s shocking,” said Cantor. “If there was any inclination that there were any issues that someone wasn’t well enough to drive safely they would be pulled from the route immediately.”

The university made no comment about the incident.

According to Fairfax County District Court records Bromm is scheduled for a hearing on Dec. 3 for the charges of DWI and refusing a breathalizer.

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