'm.powerment' Wraps Up Domestic Violence Awarness Month

By C2M Staff Reporter Lauren Jost

Sexual Assault Services, “Turn Off the Violence Week,” “Take Back the Night,” and mark. cosmetics’ m.powerment campaign are raising understanding for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Sexual Assault Services brought attention to Domestic Violence Awareness Month through Turn Off The Violence Week which took place Oct. 5 through Oct. 8. During the week, events took place all over campus ranging from “The Clothesline Project” - a display of over 500 t-shirts dedicated to victims of violence - to a special uplifting yoga class focusing in enhancing personal power, identity, and self-esteem called “YES! Yoga to Empower Yourself!”

This year’s Turn Off The Violence Week featured the White Ribbon Campaign, a global initiative in which men pledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women and girls by wearing a white ribbon. 

Although Turn Off The Violence Week may have ended, mark. cosmetics is continuing to raise funds and consciousness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month through their m.powerment campaign.

M.powerment, a philanthropic initiative that is committed to breaking the cycle of dating abuse and partner violence, is raising funds for national organizations that are committed to educating young women of domestic abuse through the sale of Have a Heart necklaces.

“There are seven organizations that mark awards grants to,” said mark. cosmetics representative and Mason student Alison Jones. “These organizations were chosen by mark. and the Avon Foundation for Women because they have programs designed specifically to educate young women about partner abuse, and every cent goes to help the cause.”

As a result of the Have a Heart necklace sales, nearly $250,000 has been raised and given the seven nation-wide organizations. Have a Heart necklaces will directly benefit educating young women, a few of the organizations are dedicated to educating men as well.

One organization receiving a grant from mark. is the Catholic Big Brother & Big Sister program in New York, NY which teaches boys to be proud and powerful without the use of violence while also educating girls about the negative impact of abusive relationships.
“Selling these heart necklaces will help raise awareness about domestic violence,” said international politics major Kent Hocutt. “I didn’t know a makeup company could do that.”

While the m.powerment campaign is an ongoing initiative, the necklaces will only be available in stores for a short time. The necklaces are on sale for $22 at the Mason bookstore as well as area Barnes & Nobles bookstores; but necklaces can always be purchased from a mark. representative.

The m.powerment campaign website provides five resource websites to get help if involved in an abusive relationship.

For more information on the mark. cosmetic m.powerment campaign, visit meetmark.com and click on “m.powerment.”

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