Mason Money Moves Off-Campus, Loses Tax-Exemption

By C2M Correspondent Lauren Jost

A new option exists for students who want to eat and shop off campus. Mason Money, the debit card system and popular mode of paying for dining and retail needs at Mason campuses, has expanded to accommodate the booming growth of the Fairfax campus. 

The system, which once offered tax-exempt food services at on-campus dining locations, has undergone some changes in order to fulfill tax requirements stated by the Department of Revenue. As a result, tax-exempt food service is no longer an option because service is available at off-campus locations.

The program differs from Freedom Funds and Meal Plans which are usable only on campus, which are still tax-exemptible.

“I see no point to using Mason Money,” said Billy Graessle, a senior government and international politics major. “I have a debit card, and I don’t live on campus, so why would I have two cards? Unless it’s used on vending machines, I won’t use it.”

In addition to the development and trial of Mason Money off-campus program, a plan is in the works to incorporate meal plans into the system. If meal plans are added to the Mason Money program, there will be a fee on the bill to satisfy the Department of Revenue requirements.

Assistant Vice President of University Services, Mark Kraner, explains how the new Mason Money plan came about.

“Mason Money has been available for several years, and for a couple of years it was off campus to a limited few locations,” said Kramer. “We selected a company to recruit and handle the card processing and settlement part of the business.”

Mason’s Student Government asked Kraner to expand upon the vendor options under the previous Mason Money program. In turn, BbOne, a third party company and part of Blackboard, became involved as a medium for vendors to obtain card readers and have the settlement program.
“This is a service for the students and staff,” said Kraner. “By expanding the locations that can use Mason Money, it is more likely that you will deposit funds into the program which will actually lead to faster checkout times and speed the lines. That is the real positive.”

According to Kraner, the plan for Mason Money to be used off-campus is very similar to the theory that credit card companies maintain for their services.

“The key for this program is that BbOne contracts with the vendors and not Mason,” explained Kraner. “All transactions will be processed through a transaction server on-campus to verify that funds are available.”

While the Mason Money off-campus program is in a trial run, another plan is in the works to incorporate meal plans into the system. With the addition of meal plans, a fee on the bill will be implemented to satisfy the Department of Revenue requirements.

“I think it’s a good idea,” said Richard Alexander, a senior communication major. “Especially in light of the food price hikes that Mason has instituted; it allows greater options for students.”

Restaurants and vendors participating in the Mason Money program are: Bernie’s Delicatessen & Gourmet Market, Chipotle (on Lee Highway and Burke Centre Parkway), CVS Pharmacy (on Willard Way & Main Street), Saxby’s Coffee, Metro Silver Diner, Chili’s, Cinema Arts Movie Theatres, Noodles & Company, Buffalo Wing University,, Vocelli Pizza, University Mall Theatres, Angelico Pizzeria, Pizza Boli’s, and Hunter Mill Deli.

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