Greek Week in Full Swing

By Broadside Staff Writer Mary Carpenter

“No Matter the Letter, Greeks Stand Together” is the theme for this year’s Greek Week. This week, the entire Greek community will be participating in this week-long event, which provides a chance for all four councils of the Greek community to come together, raise money for charities and bond as a community.

To kick off the beginning of Greek Week, Shack-A-Thon, where each organization builds a shack in front of the clock tower, began Sunday and will last until Tuesday. After the three-day period, each group will be judged on the structure and creativity of their shack as well as how much money they have collected for Habitat for Humanity.

On Wednesday, each organization will be collecting canned foods that will be donated to Food for Others, a Fairfax-based food bank. Wednesday evening, Aquatics Night will begin, and will feature synchronized swimming, where each chapter has to make up their own routine, the 200 meter relay, and a raft race. Field day, where the Greek organizations will hold events like the three-legged race, a soccer shoot out and tug of war, is set for Thursday.

Friday will be the kick-ball tournament, and Saturday is the main event, Greek Sing, a series of musical performances by different chapters. This year’s Greek Sing theme is “Real World: Greek Addition.”

All the Greek organizations that participate in Greek Week will also be judged on their handmade banners which will be hanging in the Johnson Center for the entire week.

Finally, on Sunday, Step 101: A Lesson in Swag will be held in the Center for the Arts at 6 p.m. The chapter that receives the most points throughout the week will be announced as the champion of Greek Week during the performance.

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