Campus News in Brief

Compiled by Justin Petrisek, Interim Asst. News Editor and Kevin Loker, News Editor

Circus to Temporarily Change Parking

Parking on campus will continue in its altered format for the next two weeks due to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The tents that have occupied Lot A, Friday, April 3 will remain until Monday, April 20, and any vehicles left in the area will be ticketed and towed. Lot K will remain open, with the exception of Monday, April 6. Lot A will open by Tuesday, April 21. .

Drivers arriving to campus after 10 a.m. are advised to head directly to Field House parking lots M, O and P.

Those with General Lot permits may park in Lot G after 4 p.m. from today, April 6, through April 20. Lot H will be available to General Lot permit holders between 6 and 11 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Parking is also available during the day in the Patriots Village Lot located behind the Recreation and Athletic Complex (formerly the Physical Education Building).

The roof of Sandy Creek Parking Deck may also be utilized to accommodate General Lot permits.

Mason Establishes Center for Consciousness and Transformation

Mason has established a new teaching and research center through a $10 million gift from The de Laski Family Foundation to New Century College.

The Center for Consciousness and Transformation will seek to understand the nature, effects and role of individual and group consciousness in transformative learning and positive societal change. Courses toward an undergraduate minor as well as graduate work are expected to be offered through the center.

New courses developed by the center will be integrated with current courses in various academic units and departments at Mason.

The center is currently offering small grants to research teams across disciplines such as business, science, psychology, religion, communication and health. It is accepting funding proposals through April 20.

More information can be found on the Center for Consciousness and Transformation’s website,

Economics Society to Host Lecture and Movie with Bruce Fein

The GMU Economics Society will host legal expert Bruce Fein today, April 6, at 5:30 p.m. in the Johnson Center Cinema. The event will begin with a free pizza dinner, followed by a lecture by Fein at 6 p.m. After he speaks, Fein will field questions before a showing of the film, Equilibrium. The movie begins at 7:30 p.m.

Fein is chairman of the American Freedom Agenda, as well as founder of Bruce Fein & Associates Inc. and The Lichfield Group. He recently authored Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for our Constitution and Democracy, and is a weekly columnist for The Washington Times.

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