Pilot House
OPINION: Pilot House lacks the efficiency of Ike's
|The line at Pilot House is really, really long. It is not that I am frustrated simply with the size of the line, but I am frustrated with the number of staff working the registers—it is never more than one. The line can literally be wrapped around to the point that the ends touch and Pilot House will still have one person working.
Citing Safety Concerns, Pilot House Closes Doors for Thursday
The new late-night dining venue on the Fairfax campus will be closed on its fifth night since opening. (Daniel McEnrue).
Pilot House sets sail, NY-style pizza docks at Mason
|As of New School Year’s Eve 2010, Ike’s is no longer the only late-night eatery on the George Mason University campus.
The Pilot House opened its doors to the Mason community Sunday at 5 p.m. Attached to the new dormitory Hampton Roads, The Pilot House is a 120-seat dining venue that is expected to alleviate the rush at Ike’s.
Related Video:
>> Pilot House's Opening Night
>> That's no potato chip...It's a 'frip'