Student Life

Food in the Bedroom: These Snacks Will Get You in the Sack

By Katie Miller, Staff Writer

When used appropriately, food can do more than just satisfy your stomach.

Touted as sure-fire performance enhancers, aphrodisiacs have ignited sexual desires for centuries.
The sexual power of certain food’s tastes and textures can bring new flavor and excitement to any relationship.

Sadly, most of the beliefs about aphrodisiac’s ability to improve your libido are simply myths that have survived centuries of oral tradition (pun intended).

Changing the Textbook Biz: Website Offers Affordable Alternative to Expensive School Books

By Patrick Wall, Style Editor

It has bankrupted some. For others, it has forced them into jobs working long hours. No, it’s not Wall Street. In fact, to some, it might be even worse.


Of all the routines students go through at the beginning of each new term, book buying is easily the most dreaded. Parents groan as they empty their bank accounts and students lament having to carry what often feels like a bag full of bricks to class each day.

Playing House: Artist Peter Marcus Displays Prints at Mason

By Marian McLaughlin, Staff Writer

“The house serves as the portal to metaphors of the imagination,” said Jon Stilgoe in reference to Gaston Bachelard’s philosophers on architecture. This same idea is reflected in Peter Marcus’s work, as seen this month in the Fine Arts Gallery on campus.

Marcus, a printmaker whose style is anything but limited, has a series of collaged collagraphs on display alongside the colossal, assembled sculptures of Joan Hall.

Construction Sites Near Completion: Students Show Concern for On-Going Campus Building Projects

By Brenda Shepard, Staff Writer

Whether they have been woken up by the sound of hammers, or were rerouted on their way to class, most of the student body is tired of seeing the caution tape and chain link fences.

For many students, faculty and staff, construction has been going on from the time they stepped foot on campus.

In many cases, students have become numb to the fact that construction has been taking place in nearly every corner of George Mason University.

Many students now cannot walk through this campus without construction around every turn.

Inside Mason's Newest Dorm: Eastern Shore

Mason's newest residence hall opened in October.  Explore Eastern Shore with C2M Staff Reporter Lauren Jost.

In Bed with Billy: Does Size Really Matter?

By Billy Curtis, Sex Columnist

Once upon a time, there was a young girl with long golden hair. She wandered the lands far and wide in search of something she was direly looking for – the perfect sausage.

The girl saw many things she thought she would never see and felt things she never thought she would feel along the way, but none of the sausages she had were good enough.

Then finally, she came to a house. The girl slowly opened the front door and walked into a kitchen with three plates on the table. Each plate had a sausage on it and she decided to try each one.

Tuesday Jams: Baby Grand Takes the Stage at Jazzman’s

By Chris Earp, Broadside Correspondent

Happy to get out of the October drizzle, I ducked into the warmth of Jazzman’s.

Not many people were there, save for some film students taping the show and a couple of coffee drinkers.

It seemed that the only people intently eyeing the “stage” (which was simply the corner opposite the entrance) were directly related to the event in some capacity or another.

Metal Madness: Iconic Metal Bands Rock the Patriot Center

By Chris Earp, Broadside Correspondent

This Halloween, two iconic heavy metal bands made their way to George Mason University for a show to end all shows. The headliners, Dethklok and Mastodon, are both unique within the genre.

The former is actually a cartoon band around which the television show Metalocalypse is based. The short comedy takes a satirical look at the metal world, poking fun at the industry and bands themselves.

Real musicians record Dethklok’s music, and two genuine albums later, have amassed a large and rabid fan base.

Three Easy Halloween Costume Ideas

Still don't know what to be for Halloween?  Gabriella Leone shares some easy Halloween costume ideas.