Brenda Shepard

Construction Sites Near Completion: Students Show Concern for On-Going Campus Building Projects

By Brenda Shepard, Staff Writer

Whether they have been woken up by the sound of hammers, or were rerouted on their way to class, most of the student body is tired of seeing the caution tape and chain link fences.

For many students, faculty and staff, construction has been going on from the time they stepped foot on campus.

In many cases, students have become numb to the fact that construction has been taking place in nearly every corner of George Mason University.

Many students now cannot walk through this campus without construction around every turn.

Campus Groups Promote Homelessness Awareness Variety of Activities Planned to Educate Students

By Brenda Shepard, Staff Writer

Imagine sleeping on cement. Now think about being hungry, alone and numb from the cold. This is how many people across the United States spend each day and night. While students on campuses across the country lie in their warm dorm rooms watching the latest reality show, these homeless men, women and children are simply trying to survive.