Giving Mason Some Space: October Course
By Broadside Correspondent Gordon Day
As America is increasingly strengthening its role as a leader in Aeronautic and Space related technologies, the vision of space is brought closer to home. To this end, George Mason University is hosting its fifth annual “The U.S. Government Space Sector.”
McCain and Palin Gain Support in Fairfax
Story by Broadside Staff Writer David Pierce. Photo by Assistant Photography Editor Teddy Meyer.
Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R.-Ariz.) and his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin (R.-Alaska), set up a campaign rally at Van Dyck Park in Fairfax, Va. Wednesday Sept. 10, 2008. Party officials claimed to have had over 23,000 attendees. The venue was moved from its original location of Fairfax High School to Van Dyck Park due to an overwhelming response from Virginian voters, according to a press release sent out by the McCain campaign.
Counterinsurgent Specialists Speak to Mason Students
By Broadside Correspondent Jared Trice
A panel of counterinsurgency specialists spoke on the implementation and concept of the Improvised Explosive Device in Dewberry Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 10.
Students of Dr. Burl Self’s geography of insurgency, structure of urban government and political geography classes gathered to learn about these IEDs.
Mason Dining Focus Group
By Broadside Interim Asst. News Editor Sonya Hudson
Members of the Student Government and Sodexho met to discuss George Mason University students’ needs regarding campus food on the second level of the Johnson Center, Wednesday, Sept. 10.
Graduate Students of Mason Unite
By Broadside Correspondent Miguel Perez
The Graduate and Professional Student Association will be implemented after a year of constitutional workshops and planning. Graduate and professional students, who total approximately 10,000 and make up at least a third of George Mason University’s student population, will soon have a platform, where they can voice their opinions and concerns.
Reflecting on Preparations for Hanna
By Broadside Interim Assistant News Editor Sonya Hudson
As Tropical Storm Hanna swept across the weather channel and local cable news channels Friday, Sept. 5, George Mason University prepared for the worst.
Sandbags were strategically placed along sidewalks and buildings of student apartments to prevent flooding and water damage to the low-lying buildings. Housing prepared buildings for disaster.
SG Meeting Addresses Parking and New Dining
By Broadside Staff Writer Sonya Hudson
Student Government held its first town hall meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 3 in conference room E of the Johnson Center. This meeting focused on parking and dining services. Town hall meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month in the same location at the same time, 7:30 p.m. Claire Forman, student body vice president, hopes these meetings will serve as a dialogue between George Mason University administration and students.
Student Government responds to MUST II Concerns
By Student Body President Zach Golden
As we move into the third week of this semester, Claire and I have heard many concerns from students about the MUST II software update. This week, we will continue to voice these concerns to administrators so that the mistakes that were made are not repeated in the future. We will work hard to promote a solution that works for Mason students.
The first problem with the MUST II upgrade is that it was inadequately tested before being put into use. When the upgrade was made, the new software was not compatible with any internet browser other than Internet Explorer.
Taking Steps to Stop Violence in Uganda
By Broadside Opinion Columnist Michael Gryboski
The Lord’s Resistance Army is a brutal and violent movement that has waged war against its own people for nearly 20 years. A guerilla army, they’ve plagued Uganda’s efforts for peace within itself for their entire existence. They’ve gone by many different names since the 1980s, but whatever their title, they have been completely responsible for one of the longest military conflicts currently taking place in Africa. All too often, the crimes are invisible to us across the Atlantic, but students here are making a difference every day.
Students & Faculty Share Political Opinions
By Connect2Mason Multimedia Director Natalia Kossobokova
Connect2Mason went out on Thursday to ask the question: Which political candidate do you dislike the most? Here's what you had to say.
Click here to see part two for even more student opinions!