
Aquatic Center Closed Today, Reopens Tomorrow

The Aquatic and Fitness Center is closed today but will reopen tomorrow, March 27 for normal operating hours. According to the Aquatic Center's automated voice message, "plumbing and mechanical problems" caused the closure. Individuals are encouraged to utilize the facilities at Skyline Fitness and the Field House until the Aquatic Center is reopened.

The Greek week event Aquatics Day was cancelled as a result of the closure.

We will post more information as it becomes available.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Former Soviet President and Nobel Laureate Mikhail Gorbachev delivered a speech at George Mason University on Tuesday. The conference, "1989: Looking Back, Looking Forward," focused on global politics from the past twenty years.

A Pro-Life Approach

Why Those Who Think It's Just about Anti-Abortion are Wrong

By Broadside Opinion Contributor Michael Gryboski

Formed in the 2003-04 academic year, Students For Life, according to its website,
sees as its main purpose, “To establish justice and the right to life for the unborn through education. To help women and men in crisis pregnancies find support services for themselves and for their unborn children.” Some look at the name of this
student organization and already view it as politically loaded.

Pro-Choice/Pro-Life: More Than Just Two Sides

By Student Media Opinion Correspondent Thomas Breeden

I am pro-life and I am pro-choice. I think education and professional consultation are always necessary, should be widely available and never denied to anyone in a pregnancy situation, wanted or unwanted. I share and respect the belief that human life is worth protecting and that its unnecessary loss is tragic and to be mourned.

I think that abortion is a frightening issue; I think it is a serious issue, one that

'Green Fund' Proposed

By Broadside Correspondent Brittany Rouse

If approved, a small increase in student fees next year will help support environmental initiatives at George Mason University as part of a new “Patriot Green Fund.”

The fund, proposed by the Office of Sustainability and the student-led Environmental Awareness Group, would be supported by a $5 increase for full-time students, as well as a $2 increase for parttime students. With about 16,000 full-time students and 14,000 part-time students, the fund is projected to raise over $200,000.

Baptist Church to Protest at Mason

By Connect2Mason Breaking News Director Matt Todd

Westboro Baptist Church will be at George Mason University March 30 to protest Pride Week, which takes place March 29 to April 4. They will be congregated just outside the campus along Braddock Rd. and Route 123 (Ox Rd.) from 7:40 a.m. to 8:20 a.m.

Their website,, refers to Mason students as “nasty little DOOMED American brats” and goes on to say Mason is having a “festival of evil.”

Vision Series Explores Art

By Broadside Correspondent Laurel Ferretti

On March 16, Dr. Suzanne Carbonneau voiced the seventh perspective of George Mason University’s Vision Series regarding “The War Against Art: Where Are We Now?” by utilizing the examination of art and invoking the evidence of history. She explained that one of the purposes of art’s presence, in the public eye, is “to remind us that we are moral.” However, in light of the political history she presented, one may question her point of view. Carbonneau’s named “war” began in 1989 when Andres Serrano exhibited his own photograph “Piss Christ.” This event catalyzed conservative political opposition to contemporary artwork, making it difficult for artists to voice their expression.

Parade of Nations Changes Format

Photo by Broadside

By Connect2Mason Staff Writer Rahul Sharma
& Connect2Mason Breaking News Director Matt Todd

International Week’s Parade of Nations will be taking on a new format this year, focusing on individual participants of different cultures and changing its name to Opening Ceremony and Celebration or Parade of Students. International Week and Parade of Nations have been traditions at Mason for 29 years and give the Mason community an opportunity to celebrate diversity and cultural heritage.

The Parade of Students is a walking parade and includes a welcome speech along with one or two cultural performances. This year, the event will not represent different nations but rather focus on the individuals participating in the parade.

Greek Week in Full Swing

By Broadside Staff Writer Mary Carpenter

“No Matter the Letter, Greeks Stand Together” is the theme for this year’s Greek Week. This week, the entire Greek community will be participating in this week-long event, which provides a chance for all four councils of the Greek community to come together, raise money for charities and bond as a community.

Gorbachev to Speak Tuesday Night

By Broadside Staff Writer Jared Trice

Mason will host a set of highly-anticipated events this week, beginning with a conference and the keynote address from former Soviet President and Nobel Laureate Mikhail Gorbachev at the Center for the Arts Concert Hall on Tuesday, March 24.