Mason Pond

Question Box: Why is there a Confucius statue on campus?

The statue of Confucius (551-479 B.C.), a famous Chinese philosopher and thinker, has stood on Mason’s lawn since April 2008. Donated by the Confucian Academy of China, it stands as a symbol of “friendship and shared values,” according to the plaque on the statue.

Stuff Mason Students Like #11: Our couple hot spot, Mason Pond

When I think of a cute place for college couples to find alone time on campus, I think of a secluded bench amidst a grassy quad. I think of the quietest part on campus surrounded by trees and flowers rather than buildings and sidewalks. 

What I definitely do not think of is Mason Pond. Yet oddly enough, that is where many Mason couples decide to spend their alone time.

Question Box: What's that cottage thing by Mason Pond?

While walking around Mason, it isn’t unusual to notice strange oddities—particularly when it comes to art. You may wonder why a particular bush appears to look like a sheep, or why there is an umbrella-like structure with red wires. One of the strangest pieces of art at Mason, however, is a building that everyone has seen, but likely knows very little about. It is the small white cottage overlooking Mason Pond.

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>> Question Box: Uh...Why is Mason Pond brown?