Student Life

Mason at Six Flags

Todd Kashdan
Photo courtesy of flickr user boboroshi..

By Broadside Staff Writer Ryan Dempsey

It was a beautiful day at Six Flags America as George Mason University took over the park. Every corner seemed filled with Mason students, making the event seem successful. Additionally, the food from the self-served, all-you-can-eat buffet was great. The weather was hot, but there was enough shade for people to cool off, and it did not begin to storm until after dusk.

DIY Workshops at Earth Week

Todd Kashdan
Photo by Laura Foltz.
Students learn how to reduce their carbon footprint.

By Broadside Staff Writer Kristen White

Earth Day should not be just one designated day of the year. In the back of our minds, we should always try and consider the size of the carbon footprint we are leaving behind. In the spirit of Earth Week, four Do It Yourself Workshops were held on Tuesday in Student Union Building II. Christine Kauffman, a junior biology major with experience in wildlife rehabilitation, was the organizer of these workshops.

She worked with the students to give them small tips on living a “greener” life.

DIY: Dorm Room Makeover

By Connect2Mason Content Director Amanda Svec

As students of George Mason, you will know that Mason is not on the top list of best decorated dorm rooms. Plain cinder block walls, white ceilings, dark gray carpets – not what most would consider interesting. Here are a few ideas to make your drab space look new and fresh!


Sharing a space with one or more person isn’t the easiest thing to get used to at first. The spaces are not like home, but you have to deal with what you have. With these items you will be able to keep your room neat and make the most of your personal space.

Celebrating Earth & Mason: A Week in Photos

Last week was one of the busiest on campus, and Broadside photographers were there capturing some of the best moments from Mason Day, Earth Day, Every Freaking Friday and more.

To have your photos featured on the site, e-mail

AUDIO: Your Talk - Parking

WGMU Radio DJ Alex Romano talks about what Mason students want to hear. Check out what he has to say about Parking.

Hater's Package

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Part 1: Dining

Click below to watch awesome multimedia and read informative articles about everything you want to know about Mason dining.

VIDEO: Busting Myths With Parking Services

It's no lie that one of Mason's biggest downfalls is parking. Why is parking so expensive? Aren't students getting ripped off through parking tickets? These questions and more were answered by Josh Cantor, Director of Transportation and Parking Services.

Parking Issues Date Back to early 90s.

Guess how far students had to park back in 1992? Take a look at a clip from GMView's episode and you'll get a good laugh. Courtesy of GMView. See full episode here.

Students Bike to Mason

Bike to Mason Day

By Broadside Staff Writer Matt Loffman

Freshman Morgan Lee lives 15 minutes from campus—by car. Wednesday morning, Lee left her car at home and woke up early to ride her bike to Mason. It took her 45 minutes to get to campus, and she said the ride was “freezing.”

Lee did not just decide to ride her bike to campus one morning for fun. She took part in Mason’s second annual Bike to Mason day, which encourages Mason students and faculty to bike to campus in exchange for a free t-shirt and bike tune-up.

Students Pack Lot L for Music, Games

Mason Day

By Broadside Correspondent Carlos Perez

The Mason Day festivities went off without a hitch as students converged in the back of Lot L to enjoy free music, food, activities and shirts.

After a lengthy wait, students were itching to leave their books behind and soak up some sun before the beginning of finals week.

"This is my first Mason Day, but I doubt next year's will be able to top this one." said freshman athletic training major Solange Kouchacji.