Student Life

What's Up Weekends: Finals Edition

The semester is wrapping up, and "What's Up Weekend" hosts Matt Loffman and Christian Yingling are here to talk you through the last weekend of this school year.

What's going on this weekend, May 8-10? Listen to find out!

PHOTOS: Students Handle Exam Stress

We're halfway through final projects and exams, and students are doing their best to study hard and get good grades. C2M Reporter Brenda Shepard went around campus to find out what techniques Mason students are using to make it through the last week of the semester. See their responses below, and comment with your own.

Seniors Pursue Documentary

By Broadside Correspondent Jennifer Green

Although everyone knows that the economy is having far-reaching effects, senior film and video studies major Joe Inabinett and senior business management major Phil Covert are endeavoring to bring to light an effect of the economy that they believe has not received sufficient attention.

PHOTOS: Style Your Sole

TOMS Shoes held an event on campus where they invited students to buy and decorate a pair of plain shoes while another pair of shoes was sent to children in need. Check out Courtney Erland's photos from the event.

Do you have photos from an event or project you would like to showcase on C2M? E-mail to make it happen.

Change is A-Comin'

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

Andy Warhol once said, “They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” We go through our lives constantly changing from the person we were at birth to whatever type of person we will be in the future. Sometimes our changes are beneficial—other times, maybe not so much. But regardless, change is inevitable.

Tips for a Stress Free Exam Week

By Broadside Staff Writer Maria Cianfichi

It’s that dreaded time of year again. As the end of the semester draws near, the workload is overwhelming.

With papers piled high and exams in the near future, it is easy to lose your cool and become stressed. For this reason, Student Government sponsored “De-Stress Fest” this past week in the Johnson Center.

Free food and drinks were passed out to students at noon Monday through Thursday. In addition, carts stocked with energy drinks roamed the JC at 10 p.m. for those studying.

The Office of Counseling and Psychological Services recommends a 10-Point Plan on “How to Live Through Finals.”

Outdoor Club Pushes for 'On-Campus Hemlock'

Photo by Thomas Breeden.

By Broadside Correspondent Siobhan Fabio

A student group at George Mason University, The Rock On! Outdoor Club, is working quickly to establish “replacement” outdoor leadership and recreation centers on both the Fairfax and Prince William campuses because the university did not renew its contract with Hemlock Overlook.

Rock On! has been petitioning students and trying to garner student support for the on-campus outdoor leadership and recreation centers, envisioning them as worthwhile resources focused on education, recreation and sustainability.

Nuts and Home Runs: A Week in Photos

The last week of classes offered some great choices for entertainment, including Testival, Every Freakin' Friday and great moments from the track and field competition.

Professors, Student Dedicate Time to Astronomy Website

Todd Kashdan
Photo courtesy of Yvonne Garcia.

By Broadside Style Editor Emily Sharrer

In school, astronomy was never one of Chris Mathews’ favorite subjects. That’s why even those close to the art and visual technology major may be surprised to learn that for a little over a year, Mathews has been working closely with astronomy enthusiasts on Astrocast.TV, a web-based news program focusing on astronomy.

If the website had not won two awards for their educational and creative efforts, many probably would not know that the ordinary college freshman was busy taping and working on graphics for the site’s monthly show tapings.

Patriot Pack Out Collects Leftover Items

Swine Flu
Photo by Brittany Rouse.

By Broadside Correspondent Brittany Rouse

As students begin preparing for final exams and moving out of their dorms, they may find that there is more stuff to pack up than they would have thought. When students have extra items they no longer need, one place to take them this spring is the Patriot Pack Out. The recycling and donation outreach program is hosted by the Office of Sustainability and will run from May 7 to 15.

When sophomore communication major Maria Cianfichi began packing up for the summer, she found that there was more in the dorm room than she had assumed.