
Physicians speak to students: Colloquium to teach young people about the joys, hardships of careers in medicine

George Mason University students considering careers in medicine will have a valuable resource to turn to on Tuesday, April 13.

The Alpha Epsilon Delta Colloquium, to be held in the Johnson Center’s Room F tomorrow, will focus on the issues faced by those going into the medical field.

The event will feature a pediatric physician, a resident physician and two medical students, each of whom is slated to speak for 10 minutes before taking questions from the audience.

Where is God?: Interfaith conference hosts dialogue over suffering

On Jan. 12 of this year, close to 200,000 people lost their lives in an earthquake in Haiti. Another 400 people died in February in an earthquake in Chile. And early last week, four people were gunned down in southern Washington, D.C. These examples of human suffering this year provided a backdrop for an on-campus discussion about the existence of a devine being.

How not to buy a car: Communication class teams up with local non-profit to create seminar

As a part of their course assignment for the semester, a group of students from COMM 330: Principles of Public Relations has been working with Legal Services of Northern Virginia.

LSNV is a nonprofit organization that provides free, high quality, civil legal services to the indigent, elderly and disabled; the organization also provides free educational lectures to students.

Working with LSNV, the group of students has organized an event for George Mason University students, faculty and staff, titled “How Not to Buy a Car.”