
Cultural Fusion Field Day Brings Together Students

Connect2Mason talks with the organizer of Cultural Fusion Field Day, Mrinalini Ramanan.

Christian Group Distributes Bibles

Hear what one of the men handing out bibles today in the JC North Plaza had to say.

Turn Off The Violence: Clothesline Project Features Personal Stories

Connect2Mason talked to Rachel Lindsey, the Outreach Coordinator for Sexual Assault Services, about Turn Off The Violence week and the Clothesline Project

Student Group On Campus Unites Forces with PETA: New Organization Promotes Animal Rights

By Brenda Shepard, Broadside Correspondent

The Animal Rights Collective organization will be holding Animal Liberation Week, today through Thursday, Oct. 8. Students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to engage in conversation and educate themselves about animal rights, animal abuse and the choice to live a vegan lifestyle.

Walk With Courage, Walk With Hope: Annual Fight Against AIDS Walk Attracted Many

By Sebastian Flores, Broadside Correspondent

Six high-strung, middle-aged women from a church group sang their hearts out. Their voices, although individually very different from one another, all blended in a sweet gospel harmony, singing to the souls of all of the walkers around them.

Although they belonged to a particular team, many others joined in their songs and began to clap to their rhythm. Singing, clapping and walking in unison, it was as if they had known each other for years.

Mason Mock Election Mirrors Va. Political Race: Apathetic Students Give Mixed Review on Campus-Wide Mock Gubernational Election

By Yasmin Tadjdeh, Asst. News Editor

With the Virginia gubernatorial race heating up, George Mason University will have its chance to cast its own unofficial ballot. Paralleling the election for governor of Virginia is Mason’s own mock election.

Over the past few weeks students have periodically received e-mails informing them of the Mason Mock Election. Its creator Jared Barton, an economics graduate student said, “Many students, by virtue of being citizens of other states or countries, don’t get to vote on issues here in Virginia.

Students Rally at Take Back the Night Event

By Amanda Cheek, News Editor

On Oct. 6, the Take Back the Night Rally and March will occur as a special event within Turn Off the Violence Week, on the North Plaza from 7:30 – 10 p.m.

The event is a peaceful gathering on the North Plaza promoting an end to sexual and domestic violence, and is symbolic of a safe haven for all, according to the Sexual Assault Services website,

Students Rally at Take Back the Night Event

By Amanda Cheek, News Editor

On Oct. 6, the Take Back the Night Rally and March will occur as a special event within Turn Off the Violence Week, on the North Plaza from 7:30 – 10 p.m.

The event is a peaceful gathering on the North Plaza promoting an end to sexual and domestic violence, and is symbolic of a safe haven for all, according to the Sexual Assault Services website,

Turn Off the Violence Week ‘Breaks the Silence’: Sexual Assault Services Aims To End Violence

By Amanda Cheek, News Editor

Beginning today and continuing through Oct. 8, several parts of campus will be bustling with activities hosted by George Mason University’s Sexual Assault Services for Turn Off the Violence Week. The week features events dedicated to promoting awareness of sexual and domestic violence.

Rachel Mosunmade, a Mason sophomore and medical technology major said she saw a flyer for Turn off the Violence Week in Student Union Building I.

“[Domestic violence] is something that needs attention brought to it. It affects a lot of people,” said Mosunmade.