
Dear Mr. President Students Write Postcards to Obama Regarding the Defense of Marriage Act

By Yasmin Tadjdeh, Asst. News Editor

With Washington, D.C. right around the corner, George Mason University students are signing, sealing and delivering their postcards to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

This Thursday, Mason students will be hosting the Postcards to the President Card-A-Thon.

“Postcards to the President is a non-profit group started in L.A. after Prop 8,” said Quincey Smith, junior communication major and a member of the organizing group for Postcards to the President at Mason.

Mason Professor's Exhibit Showcases Political Imagery from Berlin Wall

Mason Associate Professor of History and Art History Marion Deshmukh has opened a new exhibit at the Goethe Institute in Washington, DC. Iconoclash: Political Imagery from the Berlin Wall to German Unification displays images of the political environment in Cold War Germany and will be on display until Jan. 8, 2010.

Mason Cable Network Advisor David Miller created two videos about the event.


Who Witched Watched, and Why?

Students flocked out this Halloween to participate in Student Government's Witch Watch, a community service event in its 16th year in which volunteers oversee the trick or treating of local costumed youngsters.

This year, 280 students volunteered with the event-- a number that almost doubled last year's participants.

In this video, C2M Videographer Jake Shapiro asks several of those students why they chose to help out, as well as a few other fun Halloween-y questions.


Trip to Mexico Changes Student’s Outlook Graduate Student’s Sponsored Visit Expands Cultural Views

By Brenda Shepard, Staff Writer

Last summer, George Mason University graduate student Eve Montavon had the opportunity to travel to Mexico to attend language school and live with a Spanish speaking family. She has been able to take her experiences abroad and use them in her everyday life and work here in America. This new cultural understanding has changed her life, she said.

Virginia Voters’ Rights Cards American Civil Liberties Union Distributes Voting Information

By Yasmin Tadjdeh, Asst. News Editor

With the election looming closer and closer, some students may not know what their rights as voters are. Whether it is that they are denied to vote because of lack of identification or even because of intimidation, the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia has for the last several years been passing out Voters’ Rights Cards in the hopes of informing voters of what their rights are come Election Day.

Education Comes to Mind First Mason Students’ Biggest Concerns on Election Explained

By Reuben Jones, Broadside Correspondent

After asking students around campus whether they have been following the 2009 race for governor, there were two responses that became very apparent: No, students are not following the election, and yes, education is the most important issue to students this election.

“I registered but I don’t know anything about the candidates,” said sophomore and economics major Rufaro Mandizvidza. This could be because the race for governor between Democrat Creigh Deeds and Republican Bob McDonnell has yet to fire up many Virginians.

Making It to the Polls

By Hillary Huber, Broadside Correspondent

While government agencies and some work places have Election Day off, George Mason University students will still be setting their alarm clocks early on Nov. 3.
This presents multiple conflicts in the Mason community. Some students’ schedules are too crammed to fit in a trip to the polls; others think it creates an inaccurate representation in election outcomes.

Mason Student Runs for House of Delegates

By Mason Votes Writer Ethan Vaughan

Susan Conrad, a master’s candidate at George Mason University studying for a degree in Instructional Technology, is running for the House of Delegates 40th District seat. She is campaigning on a transportation platform that would require raising gas taxes and automobile registration fees.

Mason student Susan Conrad is running for the Virginia House of Delegates.  Photo from